Our Proposals
Our emerging proposals represent a very significant investment and vote of confidence in the future of Lowestoft and as illustrated below seek to deliver positive change to this previously developed brownfield site through:
The demolition of the existing buildings on the site;
Construction of up to 500 new homes;
Provision of employment land (up to 21,000sqm B2 General Industry and/or B8 Storage & Distribution) fronting Lake Lothing;
Associated new landscaping, pedestrian and cycle links and associated infrastructure.
Illustrative Proposals
The key design principles include:
Provision of a mix of housing types up to a maximum 4 storeys in height.
Creation of a range of character areas within the development, with residential areas of highest density focused to the north and east of the site.
The residential land is to be raised by approx. 1.5m to mitigate flood risk.
The employment land is to be located towards the north and east of the site to maximise the opportunities presented by the quayside to support the growth of the offshore renewable energy industries.
Primary vehicle access is to be provided via the newly constructed Colin Law Way.
Emergency, Pedestrian and Cycle access is to be provided via Waveney Drive to the south-west of the site.
Provision of a Green Corridor running east to west to provide a buffer between the employment and residential uses and incorporating Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) as part of the drainage strategy for the site.
Provision of 10% Biodiversity Net Gain through new landscaping.
Provision of a network of smaller green spaces, providing opportunities for play-on-the-way, within residential parcels.
Provision of key views through the site towards the waterfront.
Provision of a green buffer on the western edge of the site providing a sensitive transition between the development and the adjoining open space / county wildlife site.